We delivered our annual Mazars’ staff sports day on 23 August at Kings Park to over 40 enthusiastic Mazars employees. It was a scorcher, but it didn’t stop everyone getting stuck in to all activities and challenges with broad smiles. 

All participants were split into three teams to go head to head over the course of the afternoon in various fun team-building challenges, tug of war, races and obstacle courses. This was followed by some cold drinks, food and some social touch rugby for those with more energy to burn.

With a team-building and health focus, the Mazars’ Staff Sports Day is a fantastic initative for encouraging employee engagement, as well as to promoting a healthy, active lifestyle by getting everyone together (out of the office!) and into a different environment. It was a great opportunity for staff socialisation and building Mazars’ team spirit! 

A special thanks to Josephine, Daniel and Michelle from Mazars for helping organise the day and thank you to our coaching team – Hammo, PJ, Rory, Mike, Charlie, Harry and Ty.

See everyone again next year for more fun!