Bloomberg Hong Kong Scottish were pleased to run a sports day for the employee’s of Mazars last Friday 29th July at Kings Park. Mazars came on board last season as a shirt sponsor of HKS and all of the staff that attended the sports day really got stuck in to all of the activities and had an enjoyable day out of the office.

The day was focused on team work, communication, confidence, leadership and fun. Specific games were designed by the HKS coaches to put the staff through their paces physically and to take them out of their comfort zone. A number of these transferable skills learnt on the day will hopefully help the Mazars staff in their every day life.

Around 40 Mazars staff took part in the day and 4 teams were made up from various sectors within the business which encouraged the staff to get to know their colleagues from various departments within the organisation. The games included: Tug of war, numerous obstacle courses, rugby themed tennis and netball. The day finished off with a group meal and a few cold refreshments.

Many thanks to Mazars for the support and for being great sports on the day.