Hong Kong Scottish players Alex Kaihau and Will Tuffley have been running a combined English and Rugby course for children at GAW School in Tsing Yi over the last three weekends.

The course is part of the Edinburgh Napier University Pass It On Rugby scheme which aims to introduce rugby to schools in outlying areas of Hong Kong and also to children from under privilaged backgrounds.

Children from the school will feed in to the Tsuen Wan Rhinos team who are coached by Hong Kong Scottish prop Jamie Pincott and will act as a feeder club to Hong Kong Scottish in years to come.

Charles Tsang from Tsuen Wan Rhinos said: “I have to salute both Alex and Will. They did a great job and it was very much appreciated by school top management. They have both brought a lot of fun to the kids and help them to build up a good name in front of the guests.”

The children have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and second block will take place after the Christmas break.